Friday, November 26, 2010

Who's the turkey??

Thanksgiving-Clip-Art.jpgWe spent Thanksgiving in Georgia and these are my pics!!

Yes, I am laying down with Logan and Dixie, I am thinking they are the only things on the planet that get as much attention as I do, so why not hang with them!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

October was a Busy Month for me...

As you can see, I had many adventures during October! I went to the beach a couple of times and got all dressed up for Halloween! I dressed up as a fisherman for Halloween...what mama and daddy don't know though is that I was really fishing for the ladies, not fishies! And several said how cute I was at the fall festival!

As you well know it is the holiday season! I will check in with more pics soon!!
Love, Ryan

Friday, June 18, 2010

Busy Week!

Mama and daddy are home for the summer now and boy have we been busy!! Me and mama went to the playground 2 days this week, daddy and mama took me to the splash park on Wednesday where a little boy poured water on my head, he is so funny, then me and mama went to downtown Disney to the splash zone there!! We have had a great time!! I am pretty tired though! I don't know what we will be doing next week, but I hope it is more of the same!!

I hope you are all doing well and to great grandma Wood, I hope you are feeling ok after your surgery. I don't like doctors too much, but if they make you feel better then I guess they are ok!

With Love,

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2 year old pictures

I was a little better (as you can see, not all the way better) today. At least there were no threats to leave me at the photography studio today!! I hope you like my pictures!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I'm 2 now, so stop counting my birthday in months!!

Hello!! I've been an busy boy these past few weeks! I am turning 2 on Wednesday, June 2, so I have provided you with some updated pictures. For all of you out there waiting on the professional pictures, you will have to wait a little longer. I had what some may call a moment of inflexibility when mama took me to get my pictures done on Saturday. I'm not sure how well you know mama, but for future reference, she does not appear to be amused by very loud screaming, jumping up and down, and just plain "inflexibility." Daddy's not too turned on by it either. Odd, up until that point I thought I could do no wrong - who knew!!

We had a big birthday party on Saturday night! Mama made me a dino birthday cake and my friends Austin and Lexi came to play with me! I got a new dino pool and we had a great time in there! I got a lot of new toys! I can't wait to play with them all!!

Well, happy birthday week to me! If you are looking for me, I will be preparing my next picture event...I think I will call this round "make up time for my rotteness"


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter

Hi!! Just wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY EASTER! Mama and Daddy are planning an Easter egg hunt for tomorrow, so I am sure I will have some photos for your viewing pleasure! In the mean time, here are a few from the past few days!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Just some fun video of me saying my letters!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


OK, I get it, it takes me a little while to post these days...but do you have any idea how busy I am? I mean really? Mama and Daddy just bought me a new sandbox that I have to play in everyday, and when I get done with that, I look at who ever is out there with me and say "Bye" and I have to hike to granny's house, then I have to go into her house and find the chickens, then I have to beg for someone to hand them to me so that I can play with them! And this is all before lunch time. I tell you, I am a busy man!!

Here are some of the fun things I am doing these days - and when I do them, mama and daddy seem really excited!!
1. I can count to 6 most days and on good days all the way to 13.
2. I am saying a lot more words favorite things to say are: "there it is" (I hear Diego say that one all the time); Book; Turtle (with extra emphasis on the 2nd know, like "Turrrrr-Tallll); Hi; mama; and coo-coo (which is Ryan-speak for cookie, and "I stuck", when I can't get around like I want to!!
3. I picked up a letter tonight and ran around saying "K" that one got everyone talking, I guess it was really a K that I was carrying, lucky guess? Mama started saying something like "Ivy League" and scho, scho, scholarship - what ever that means!
4. I really love cars and dinosaurs right now.
5. I really like to play with my new play friends Johnny and Mia too!

Mama took some video of me, so I hope you enjoy it! I will encourage her to do this more often and we will post more video in the very near future!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Good Luck to Daddy

Just want to wish daddy good luck tonight in his basketball game!! You will be a champion to me win or lose!
Love, Ryan

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

20 months today!

Hi all,
Mama tells me that it is my 20 month birthday today!! By my calculations that's just 4 months until another present extravaganza!!! As you can see I am very interested in tape!! Mama told me to tell you that I counted from 1 to 6 without help yesterday!! That's pretty good I guess. I am also "walking" on my knees, eating tomato soup, jumping a little bit, and brushing my own teeth these days!! I would say I have come a long way this month - wouldn't you!!

Hope your days are well! Love, Ryan!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

Hello all! I hope you had as much fun as I have had over the holidays!! I like this Christmas thing, it is something I could certainly get used to...mama and daddy are home all the time, there is new food (I know where the fudge is at grammy's), presents like I have never seen before...what is not to like? As you can see I got a lot of new toys! I was unaware of the pictures that mama was snapping, but truth be told, I was pretty tired from playing so hard, so I just needed a little shut eye to recharge my batteries (I'll get mama for that one some day!) And over the break I celebrated another monthly milestone!! I am getting to be a big boy you know!!
