Sunday, May 30, 2010

I'm 2 now, so stop counting my birthday in months!!

Hello!! I've been an busy boy these past few weeks! I am turning 2 on Wednesday, June 2, so I have provided you with some updated pictures. For all of you out there waiting on the professional pictures, you will have to wait a little longer. I had what some may call a moment of inflexibility when mama took me to get my pictures done on Saturday. I'm not sure how well you know mama, but for future reference, she does not appear to be amused by very loud screaming, jumping up and down, and just plain "inflexibility." Daddy's not too turned on by it either. Odd, up until that point I thought I could do no wrong - who knew!!

We had a big birthday party on Saturday night! Mama made me a dino birthday cake and my friends Austin and Lexi came to play with me! I got a new dino pool and we had a great time in there! I got a lot of new toys! I can't wait to play with them all!!

Well, happy birthday week to me! If you are looking for me, I will be preparing my next picture event...I think I will call this round "make up time for my rotteness"
