Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm Getting Big

Well, the last couple of days have been pretty exciting. Yesterday I went to the doctor, and they were very happy with me. I am 2" taller, and have gained a lot of weight. I am now tipping the scales at 8 lb 9.5 oz!

By the way, I am not crying in this picture, just a yawn. A kid gets tired after eating you know.

Last night, Uncle Adam came over for a visit to watch a movie with Mommy and Daddy.

Today was a little like every other day, I got to take a long nap, and mostly Mommy, Daddy and I just stayed in and relaxed. I am pretty sure I've got this whole relaxing thing down to a science. What's even better is, I have figured out how to get people to play with me, and I have no problems letting them know when I am hungry.

Alright, noting else to report here, I hope everyone is doing well. To my fans up north, I hope you aren't getting flooded, and to the folks right here in Florida, try to stay cool and hydrated. It is hot out side these days.

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