Friday, July 17, 2009

Sea World

Did you know there is a place not to far from where I live that there are dolphins, fishies, whales, birds, and some strange looking thing with lots of teeth called a shark?? Mama and Daddy took me to Sea World was so much fun! We saw two shows...well, I won't lie, I slept through some big black and white fish that jumps out of the water a lot and makes everyone clap , thus disturbing my rest...then we went to see the penguins, the stingrays, the sea lions, the dolphins, and 3 sea turtles! I watch Go Diego Go, so I knew all about the turtles!! I also got to see some ugly frogs... Mama would not let me bang on the frogs houses...she's no fun! We also cooled off in the Happy Harbor splash zone! 

The best part of the whole day was absolutely, positively when Mama and Daddy let me get out of the stroller and...wait for it...I played with the straps in my stroller! What a great day!!

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